Holistic Therapy
Are You Looking For A Holistic Approach To Healing, Growth And Personal Discovery?
Are you at a crossroads in your life, contemplating who you are, where you are and what will support you in the next phase of your life? Perhaps what you’ve been doing is no longer working, and you feel stuck and dissatisfied. Maybe you feel uncertain about the future, not sure what will nourish your inner life, work and relationships. Or maybe you have a clear goal in mind, but lack the confidence, motivation or support to manifest your vision into reality. It might be that you’re dealing with a difficult life transition, loss or other obstacle that is affecting your sense of wellbeing, making it hard for you to see the good in the world, in others or in yourself. Do you want to connect—in body, mind and spirit—with a sense of worthiness, capacity and vitality?
Impasses Can Inspire Profound Change
We all hit points in our lives when self-inquiry and reflection become important and even necessary. The desire to do this inner work may be intentional and inspired by a teacher, a yoga practice, meditation or a book that deeply touches us. At other times, we come to an impasse in our lives through some sort of shock that forces us to put ourselves in “boot camp.” This push for change can surface due to a divorce, a death, a job change, a move, a new baby, an empty nest, etc. And whether perceived as positive or negative, it is usually such an impasse that compels us to seek a new way of seeing ourselves and of being in our lives. How to transform within these periods of our lives is always the question, and although we may recognize the need for growth, we may not know how to proceed. We seek the connection and fulfillment that every sentient being desires, but often feel depleted by the demands of our complicated lives.
These impasses often indicate that it’s time to slow down and simply reflect. We are all habituated to facing new circumstances with old, engrained ways of operating and then feel frustrated by our fruitless efforts. But, what if something new is being asked of you now? This may be the time and space in your life when personal growth work can serve as the catalyst to what you seek. As an experienced, highly compassionate psychotherapist, I can help you develop the awareness and self-compassion that can help you take your whole self—mind, body and spirit—through an authentic, exploratory and meaningful process of personal inquiry and discovery.
Holistic Therapy Provides You With A Safe Space To Self-Explore
Holistic therapy is a mind, body, spirit oriented journey that begins in a space of self-reflection. The decision to seek out a holistic approach is, in itself, a movement toward the rich potential of your being. In a safe and supportive environment, we will explore the beliefs and self-images that block your capacity for change. These ways of seeing yourself developed for a reason—they helped you survive and protected you from harm —but they are likely no longer serving you in a way that helps you step into and flourish as your truest self. Together, we can slow everything down and identify the blocks, patterns and personality defenses that get in the way of you feeling whole and fully alive.
While we will certainly explore the external challenges in your life that may have motivated you to attend therapy, everything begins and ends with your inner world. Through developing an attitude of loving kindness and a growing acceptance of your humanness, you can begin to move shame, blame and guilt aside and notice what is truly there. Being with the simple truth of who you are in any given moment can be profoundly liberating and ignite an emotive spark that moves you toward authentic change.
You still might wonder if this type of personal growth counseling is right for you…
I’m feeling anxious and depressed. I like the idea of holistic counseling, but wonder if traditional anxiety counseling or depression treatment is what I need instead.
In holistic therapy sessions, we can address anything that is coming up for you, including feelings of anxiety and/or depression. An integrative, spiritual orientation will be our base, and we all have our personal path to healing. We will consider numerous modalities and explore what works specifically for you.
I consider myself a spiritual person, but I still struggle to apply my beliefs to my day-to-day life and problems.
Spiritually minded people often read a lot, work with spiritual teachers, engage in spiritual practices and have an understanding of spiritual development—all of which can be difficult to integrate into “real” life. This is where holistic therapy can help. In sessions, we can begin the process of weaving together what you know with who you are right now. By making contact with your own presence and not rejecting any part of your experience, you can learn to see the thread of your soul in everything.
What is the benefit of individual therapy or holistic and personal growth counseling over taking an intensive workshop, personal growth forum or psychedelic medicines?
It all comes down to integration. Immersive experiences, whether through a forum, workshop, ceremony or psychedelic journey, can provide deep insight and moments of true awakening. I believe they can be powerful methods of growth; however, a lot of what is discovered through these experiences may fade away in days, weeks or months. It takes time, patience and practice to create sustainable change. I trust that we each find our own path and believe that our paths can include various and complimentary modalities. Holistic therapy affords you the opportunity to process all of your experiences in a deep, ongoing and integrative way.
Integrate Mind, Body And Spirit
If you’re in Oakland, CA seeking holistic psychotherapy, personal development and a safe space to engage in the process of self-inquiry, I invite you to call me at 510-423-3577 to schedule a free, full, in-person session. A face-to-face session will help us get a feel for one another, and we can discuss what you are looking for and how we might best work together. I’m also happy to answer any questions you have about holistic therapy and my practice.